The Habitat

Deluxe Room - Deluxe Room
Deluxe Room - Deluxe Room
Deluxe Room - Deluxe Room
Deluxe Room - Deluxe Room
Deluxe Room - Deluxe Room
Deluxe Room - Deluxe Room

Informations générales

VilleKosgoda, Sri Lanka
EmplacementAu bord de la mer
AdresseKosgoda, Galle.
Catégorie5 Stars


Stay at The Habitat, Turtle Beach, Kosgoda and soak in the sun by our poolside or sit back in the private balcony of your room and enjoy the million blue miles that stretch out before you. Everything here’s been created to deepen your connection to this amazing island.
Property's images and descriptions are provided by supplier and may be inaccurate. Please do not hesitate to double check information with us.


Carte de localisation pourrait être inexacte. S'il vous plaît vérifiez l'adresse bien avant votre voyage.