Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives

Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives
Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives

Informations générales

VilleMaldives, Maldives
EmplacementPrès de la mer
AdresseCinnamon Dhonveli
Catégorie4 etoiles


The scent of Cinnamon put Sri Lanka on the map centuries ago, in the glory days of the Spice Route. Cinnamon is a timeless classic: a versatile, well-loved spice with the power to heal, rejuvenate, inspire, and stimulate the senses. What the spice did for our history books, the Cinnamon brand strives to do today.

The Cinnamon Group represents a vibrant new Sri Lanka, successfully competing with the world’s biggest brands. We combine a contemporary Sri Lankan outlook with world-class service, and modern conveniences with old-world charm to redefine the journey.

Here at Cinnamon, we aspire to inspire.

Launched in 2005, the chain currently houses 14 properties, including 3 City Properties in Colombo, 8 Resorts around Sri Lanka and 3 Island Resorts in the Maldives. Each property comes with its own personality, presence and experience, but they all drive the same point home – Inspired Living.

What does it take for an everyday experience and lifestyle to be far more vibrant and inspiring?That’s simple – it just takes a pinch of Cinnamon!

If you’re eager to explore our contemporary Sri Lankan offering, talk to our PR team and we’ll organize a special media familiarisation trip for you that will take you into the heart and soul of the Cinnamon experience.
Property's images and descriptions are provided by supplier and may be inaccurate. Please do not hesitate to double check information with us.
